Yesterday I turned 19! I woke up to a bundle of balloons floating in my bedroom and a big chocolate chip muffin for my breakfast. I got to open one present in the morning but I had to go to school. My girlfriends had my desk stocked with a gift and cards. For lunch, my friend Megan made confetti cupcakes with strawberry icing (yummy!) and the girls I mentor sang to me. My mom had left a special note in my lunch that made me smile.

Mom gave us money so that after school Maddie and I could stop and get drinks from Chick-fil-a. When we got home I was able to open the rest of my presents, which were all so GREAT! This year I hadn't planned a party. Life has just been busy and I didn't really have the time. I figured I would spend my actual birthday out with my family and then the next night my girlfriends and I could go out for dinner. But schedules got messed up and my girlfriends were busy so my plan didn't work. Instead I said to myself, "I would love to go to the Orioles' game on my birthday!" Sarah said she could come to that so we bought tickets and I was so excited. But then, it started to RAIN! The game was delayed for an hour and then they cancelled it. I spent the night of my birthday in the freezing rain, sitting on some concrete steps at Camden Yards. Stupid.
But I was with my family and one of my best friends so it was all good. We came home and Suzanne came over for cake. We had triple chocolate and coconut (double yum!). Then the girls and I watched one of my favorite episodes of "Psych" and the night was done.

I am aiming to do a gift post on Monday of all the fabulous things I got!
Stay tuned tomorrow for 10 Things I Love this week!
Peace and Love,
P.S. Sorry for the blurry images. Maddie was laughing while she took them :)
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