

I Will Love You Forever...

My dog Meg hasn't been feeling very well lately. We have tried all that we could to take care of her at home. Yesterday she was horrible. She couldn't walk, wouldn't eat, and even didn't mind me kissing her all over her face (something she normally can't stand.) We knew that we would have to take her to the vet. Later on last night she seemed to be back to her old self and even this morning she seemed pretty fine. We took her to the vet just to she if there was anything we could do to make her get all the way back to normal.

As I write this I am crying my eyes out and my heart is breaking. At about six thirty tonight I will tell Meg I love her one last time, give her a final kiss, and see her cute little eyes just before they close. What we thought was simply allergies turned out to be cancer. She has a mass bigger than a softball inside of her. The doctor said that even with 1,000 dollar surgeries she still wouldn't have a good chance.

It's funny how pets become so valuable to humans. Some may laugh it off but she was my older sister. I don't know how I am going to get used to the fact that I won't have to get up when she comes into my room crying because she has to go to the bathroom, or that I am not gonna be able to rub her belly like she would want me to when she would come up and put her paw on my knee.

I guess I don't really know how to react because I have never lost anything this close to me. I know that the Lord chose this to be her time. I can't stand thinking of her being in pain. I ask only for prayer that I and the rest of my family will be ok.

Meg, you were the best. I couldn't of asked for a better dog. I am going to miss everything about you. The way you smelled like corn chips, how cute it was when you would stick your tongue out just a little bit, how much you just loved daddy but it bothered you when I kissed you. You will be with us forever. I love you.

Peace and Love,


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