

Train Love...

Last night my mom and I headed to Vienna, VA to see Train in concert. I have loved this band for such a long time and when we heard they were coming to VA we bought tickets right away. The show was at Wolftrap and it was so amazing! Pat Monahan has an incredible voice and I love the way he dances around on stage. They played all of my favorites: Drops of Jupiter, Hey, Soul Sister, Superman, Meet Virginia, and Calling All Angels. It was such a great show and I had so much fun with my mama. In the 45 minutes it took us to get home we heard 4 Train songs on the radio. The next time Train comes to town I will definately be there. It was THAT good.
Here is a video I took from last night of them singing on of my favorites, Superman. The quality of the video looks really bad because I had to upload it from youtube which sucks because the original is actually really clear and crisp. Oh well...

Peace and Love,

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