

Blog Inspiration: A Beautiful Mess...

When I first stumbled upon "A Beautiful Mess" I knew that it was going to be a very fun blog. stock full of crafts and colorful outfits, "A Beautiful Mess" follows Elsie Flannigan and her journey as a vintage store owner/designer/photographer/scrapbooker/sister and as a new wife! Her blog will make you want to be more crafty (even if you aren't already). And trust me, you won't get bored, every post is new and fun! Reasons I LOVE "A Beautiful Mess:"

1. Elsie's handwriting and doodles. 2. She makes the best dessert tables ever. 3. You can see colorful shoe/tight combinations. 4. DIYs and crafts aboundeth. 5. Miss Elsie has an addiction to feathers. 6. She plays around with toy cameras a lot. 7. Has the most playful little vintage store (I must visit one day!) 8. Fearless when it comes to color. 9. I am jealous of her vintage luggage collection.

Peace and Love,


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