

11 Things...

I must be so oblivious because I didn't notice this until now, but Ruth over at Isn't That Sew tagged me to be part of the Liebster Awards! I'm pretty sure the contest is over by now but I thought it would still be fun to answer the questions and am so flattered that Ruth chose me to be a part of it!! 

First, you are supposed to tell 11 things about yourself. 

1. I am a Christian. 
2. I am going to school to major in Journalism. 
3. My favorite band of all time is Hanson. 
4. My car has Grateful Dead stickers on it. 
5. I am a huge fan of naps. 
6. I've sung at the Colosseum in Rome. 
7. I'm single and ready to mingle. 
8. I have Canadian citizenship. 
9. I have a thing for owls. 
10. I plan on moving to Tennessee in 2014. 
11. One of my favorite things to buy is vinyl. 

Now I answer the 11 questions that Ruth came up with!! 

1. What makes you most nostalgic?  
Looking at old pictures. 

2. Where are you from? 
Maryland (close to Baltimore) born and raised. 

3. What is your least favorite chore? 
I must admit I am not a very good chores person, my whole family can attest. If I had to choose a least favorite I would say cleaning the dishes. 

4. Pizza or Pie? 
Pie. Definitely pie. 

5. Why do you blog? 
My goal with blogging has never been to gain a lot of followers (that would just be a bonus). I just always wanted a way to document my life and share my passions of writing, music, and photography. Through blogging I can do all of those things. I look at my blog like it's my journal. Bottom line: I just want to inspire and be inspired. 

6. What's your daily routine like? 
Depending on what day of the week it is the routine is always different. The one thing that is always the same is that I start my day with a big cup of coffee. 

7. The Beatles or Elvis. 
The Beatles. I still have hopes of being Mrs. McCartney one day. 

8. What is your "dream" job? 
My dream job would be working as a lifestyle journalist. However, ultimately it would be as a wife and  mother. 

9. What was the last concert you attended? 
A Train concert last Summer. Don't worry I've got two big shows coming up next week! 

10. That's a funny story -------- (fill in the blank). 
When two of my best friends and I were on a road trip to New England and wound up lost in the Bronx for 3 hours. 

11. Movies or TV? 
I'm gonna have to go with movies. 

So there you have it. Maybe you know a little bit more about me now :) Thanks again to Ruth for picking me to participate! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. <3 Love it mama! I think it was my fault and I neglected to comment and mention I tagged you!!! I started letting folks know, and apparently didn't finish!!!!I'm SO SORRY!!! Lately life has gotten pretty busy for me. In the last 2 months, I've switched jobs, house hunted, and moved!!!

  2. No worries darling! I had fun just answering the questions and was so honored that you thought of me!! xo

  3. Keep up your blogging, it's an extension of your soul and it helps me get to know you even better as the beautiful young women you are growing into, in leaps & bounds I might add. <3 D

  4. Aw, D! That is so encouraging! Thank you xo


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