

Saying Goodbye...

 Along with all the stuff that is been going on in my life lately, I found out last week that my best friend is going to Singapore for 3 months. I am extremely happy for her and know that God is going to use her for His glory and to do incredible things. But at the same time, I can't help but be a little sad. Sarah and I have been through a lot together over the years: we've done a lot of traveling (including to Greece and Italy), we've tasted a lot of cupcakes, and shared a lot of adventures. But the bottom line is that we have been there for each other through the good and the bad. It's hard for me to think that I won't be able to meet up with her when I need to talk or want to do something on a whim. But it's just three months, and I know that this is what God has in the plans for both of us. 
Last night we got together for the last time before she leaves. We went out for Mexican and just sat talking for hours. It was really fun and I cherish every conversation that I have with her. 
I can't wait to see what this three months has in store for the both of us. I will be praying for this girl everyday and missing her like crazy! I can't wait to see how God uses her and I can't wait for the adventures that we will share when she gets back! 

Bon Voyage my dear! Love you!! 

Peace and Love, 

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