

Over the Weekend...


Saturday was all about family. I spent the day with my parents, sister, and grandparents as we celebrated my sister's graduation from high school. There was piano playing, good food, s'mores, and I even inherited a couple of great records that used to be my mom's. It was an absolutely beautiful day and I'm so happy that we all got to spend some quality time together.  

Peace and Love,


  1. I LOVE that photograph of the piano! I actually taught myself a new song this weekend. i was wondering if after a year of not playing, if i'd be able to pick it back up again.

    1. Thanks, Ruth! That's great that you were able to pick up the piano again. I haven't played since I was really little but I was able to pluck out a Beatle's song the other day.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful celebration, congratulations to your sister!


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