

Beach Daze (A Playlist)...

August is flying by and as Summer is coming to an end I am squeezing in a few last day trips to the beach. To me, there's nothing more relaxing than laying in the sand while the sun beats down on you and the salt water swarms around you with the breeze. I always love making playlists for days spent at the beach! Give me a good book and some great music to listen to and I could lay out for hours. I hope that the rest of you are making the most of your summer and getting in plenty of beach time! Enjoy.

Peace and Love, 


  1. yeaaaahhhhHHHHHH! playlist! so excited to jam out to these tunes when i'm not at work. (yes, i'm being stealthy and sneaking on to read your blog on the clock. shhhhh...) a friend of mine just introduced me to the meghan trainor song, and it's a good jam. great beat to work out to! yes, summer is coming to and end but i just read that there are only 19 fridays left until christmas so that's good news, right? thanks for the new jams, lady!

  2. Yes! Love this! I'm all about finding new music, thanks girly :)
    xo TJ


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