

Spring Break...!

Thursday we had a half day before we started our spring break. I started off my break with my girls Sarah and Suzannie as we did a little shopping for Greece and Italy and finished up the day at the docks of Annapolis!

We began our little adventure with lunch at Johnny Rockets
After lunch we went shopping. I came out with some pretty great finds and came across some pretty good deals! These girls are perfect for me to go shopping with because while I focus on what is "cute" and tend to let the money issue slide, they know how to control their wallets and still find really stylish stuff. I was very lucky that they were with me because I would have been broke had I gone all by myself :) Sarah also got me my Birthday present early which is this awesome boyfriend blazer which I am in LOVE with! I wore it to church last night and it pretty much goes with anything and everything. Thanks girl!

After our feet were ready to be cut off from walking the mall so much we hopped in the car and headed downtown for desert.
I took the gals to my favorite spot, Nostalgia Cupcakes.
The cupcakes were so good that words can't describe how yummy they were ;p

We also stopped at an ice cream place while we were at it.
Once we were all stocked up with goodies we went down to the dock to take some pictures.
I am so thankful to call these girls my friends. They are both godly women who I know that I can talk to about anything and it won't leave our little circle of trust. We are all so different but that's what's so great about it. We haven't been in an argument yet and we don't get annoyed with each other. If we need to say something we say it without any hesitation. I am so blessed to have friends like this. I hope that all of you have someone whom you can tell everything to, it's a nice thing to have.


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