

Who Doesn't Love Presents...

So I figure that since I have been going on about my birthday for two posts I might as well post what my gifts were :) A lot of things were stuff that I needed for my trip to Greece and Italy this summer, which I was very thankful for because I have a lot that I need for this shindig.

First is my BIG present, which was a flip video camera that I designed to match my camera strap.

It's so tiny and will be perfect for the trip! (I still don't know how to use it though).

Next is a blanket for the plane ride! You know how much I love monkeys and it matched my backpack.
I also got a pair of awesome shoes!
And I got a couple of tops that will go perfectly with some skirts that I have!
And my mom got me this beautiful blue journal :)
I grabbed these at the Hard Rock Cafe:My sister got me this purse for the trip! I LOVE it. It zips and I can wear it on my shoulder or it can be hand-held which will be wonderful.
My friend Kristen got me this amazing bag and dress!! Love them both!
Suzannie got me this really cool Alice in Wonderland shirt!
My friend Krista got me this book which I am very excited to read!
The blazer I am wearing at my party was a gift from Sarah.
And that about sums it up, minus a few gift cards here and there. I love everything...ugh but I hate Mondays.

Hope everyone's day was a little better than mine.


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