

30 Days of Thanksgiving Vol. 1...


I am doing an instagram challenge for the month of November where you post something you are thankful for each day. It has helped me to realize how much I take for granted and I think it is a great way to show thanks even for the little things. 

Here are my first 10 days: 

Day 1: Good music. 
Day 2: God and His unchanging word. 
Day 3: Starbies. 
Day 4: My sweet little friend. 
Day 5: Black and White photos. 
Day 6: The right to vote. 
Day 7: Our mini fireplace that keeps me warm on chilly nights. 
Day 8: The road home. 
Day 9: Weather fit for sweaters and boots. 
Day 10: The December Issue of Martha Stewart Living. 

Peace and Love, 

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