

30 Days of Thanksgiving Vol. 2...

I am thankful for:
Day 11: Mom's Chocolate Bourbon Pecan pie. 
Day 12: Home. 
Day 13: Raindrops. 
Day 14: Kaleigh bringing in her mom's coconut blueberry muffins during a rough night at work.  
Day 15: Nights spent in front of the tv in sweats. 
Day 16: Days spent with my mom. Coffee followed by a shopping spree at Target. 
Day 17: Getting to talk to one of my favorite ladies who is all the way in Singapore. 
Day 18: Daddy-daughter(s) date to see Skyfall. 
Day 19: Vintage Christmas ornaments. 
Day 20: Hanson and all of their musical goodness. They will always be my favorite. 

Peace and Love, 

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