

Little Bits...


Today is my one real day off this week- I'm not counting Tuesday because I was still pretty sick and didn't get anything done. My morning started off with business calls and conversations for DClife. It looks like a lot of new things will be happening with the magazine and there is a lot to do. I will keep you posted on that. I followed that up with a cup of OJ and a muffin while enjoying some snuggle time on the couch with the pup. After that, more phone calls. I'm hoping that the rest of the day will be spent in sweats with my mom and sister, snuggling, reading, and painting my nails. I really want to rest up for the remainder of the day so I can kick this flu out the door and be back and healthy. Did I mention that I have been eating a ton of Cheese Its lately?! It's still really hard for me to keep food down and when I do eat it's not much. This salty little guys are the only things that can seem to settle my stomach. 

I hope you all have a blessed Thursday. It's almost the weekend!!! 

Peace and Love, 

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