

Martha Stewart Living February 2013...


My day is automatically better when a new copy of Martha Stewart Living arrives in the mail. The pictures are always colorful and fun, the recipes make me want to cook and bake more, and there are always crafts that I want to try. The February issue was no exception. This edition is filled with pink & red, hearts, and yummy treats from cover to cover. There are also some beautiful photographs of flowers featured. If you aren't a subscriber I suggest that you run to the store and pick up a copy. You won't be disappointed :) 

*I also just wanted to give a little shout out to Ruth who sent a copy of Photoshop Elements. I have been meaning to buy the software forever but just never did. Thank you SO much Ruth for sending it to me! It has been such a great help and I love using it!* 

Peace and Love, 

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