

Late Night...

Our day trip to NYC was a complete success! It was seriously one of the best days I have  had this summer. We woke up at 4 am to catch our bus at Union Station and made it to the city by 11 am. We had about 2 miles to walk from where the bus dropped us off to Rockeffeller Center so after lunch we started walking towards the plaza. We walked through the fashion district and Times Square and then hung out around 5th ave for most of the afternoon. The weather was perfect! It was sunny and in the 70s and it made all of the walking we had to do enjoyable. While we were hanging around 30 Rock we got to see the cast of the TODAY show taking promo photos and we were actually able to get pretty close! But the best part of the day had to be going to the taping of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Some of you may know that I am a huge fan of Jimmy and it was so surreal to get to go to his show. The best part was that we got front row seats and Jimmy came and shook our hands afterwards. It was literally one of the coolest moments of my life!   
You can see the back of our heads there in the front row. 
That's my sister in the right hand corner. 

It was a perfect day. New York City in the summertime is pretty fantastic. The sounds, the smells, all of the activity just gives off this energy that is unlike any other. These are just a few photos that I took with my phone and a few screenshots from the show. I didn't feel like lugging around my big camera all day, plus I wasn't allowed to take it to the taping so I tried to capture little bits of the city as best I could. It was a great trip and one that I will never forget. 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. sweet shots girl! what an awesome trip! I am so jealous you walked through the fashion district...

    1. Thanks! Yes, it was a fabulous trip! I thought of you when we walked past some of the design institutes.

    2. YES! Currently, obsessed with Project Runway! It's filmed at Parson's!


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