

Six Things About Me...

The lovely Alli, from Our Misfit Isle, was kind enough to tag me in a "6 Things About Me" post. I love getting to know more about the bloggers that I follow + admire so these types of posts are always fun for me to read. So, without further ado....

1. What is your morning routine?  
I am not a morning person so I normally don't wake up until around 9am or a little later. On the days when I do have to wake up early it is always a struggle. In any case, I cannot start off my day without a cup of coffee. I drink that and normally have fruit or a bagel and check my emails, my instagram feed, and all of my favorite blogs. I also try to take a little time each morning to write down lists or ideas and just get the creative juices flowing. Then it's off to shower and put on my make up.  

2. What is your bedtime routine?  
I have a lot of little things that I like to do before bed! I love to spend time on the internet surfing Pinterest, online shopping, and watching various vlogs. Then I typically take care of my skincare routine and put on my pj's so that I'm all ready for bed. Some nights I will spend time writing in my journal but most of the time I like to read. I always try to read a chapter in my Bible each night meditate on that while I talk to God. After all of that I might browse Netflix and watch a show or two before I actually fall asleep. I can't go to sleep without there being some type of white noise in the background so I normally put on music or a podcast and will fall asleep to that.  

3. What phone etiquette do you follow?  
I have to say that I text more than I actually talk on the phone. It's not that I have a problem talking on the phone with people but with everyone's busy schedules I just think texting can be easier. I do always try to answer texts right away- I hate when people leave me hanging and don't reply to my texts for hours. 

4. Have you ever watched an entire series of a TV show in a weekend? What was it?  
I'm pretty sure that I watched all of "Freaks & Geeks" in one weekend. I got really hooked on that show and just couldn't stop watching! 

5. What is something really weird that you do?  
I'm sure that my sister and my parents could list a whole bunch of things that I do that are weird, ha! One thing is that whenever I order a dessert that includes hot fudge I always put it on my teeth and make my best hillbilly face. There are plenty of pictures to prove this- I'm just not brave enough to post them :)

6. What TV character do you relate to the most?  
Back in high school there was this Canadian teen drama called "Instant Star" that I was obsessed with. It was about a young singer-songwriter and her struggles of balancing boys, music, and school. At the time I think I related to her; I tried to dress like her and cut my hair like her. I'm not so sure who I relate to most at this point in my life...maybe "Jess" from New Girl

Thanks so much for tagging me, Alli! I'm going to try and think of some questions so that I can tag a few of my blogger friends to do a post!

Peace and Love, 


  1. I NEED to see those photos you speak of!

    1. Ummm, they are some of the most embarrassing pictures ever lol!

  2. Coffee in the mornings: NECESSARY. And bagels make every day wonderful :) Such a fun list!

    1. Thanks, Meghan! And yes I can't go without my coffee :)

  3. Yes, life without coffee is not worth living....and I agree with Ruth we need to see those photos!


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