


My mom has been asking me to do one of these "currently" posts for a while now so without further ado:

Reading: I had been interested in reading the "Matched" series by Ally Condie this summer (I guess I was on a little sci-fi kick. Strange.) I started the first book a few weeks ago and I have to say that I'm not loving it. There's not a lot of depth to the story and I'm just not that interested in seeing what happens to the characters. I'm going to finish the first book but I don't think that I will go on to read the other two. I have a whole list of books that I want to read this Fall/Winter so I need to get started!

Listening to: All of my Fall favorites including Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Volcano Choir- the list goes on. In terms of new music, I love "No. 1 Party Anthem" off of the Arctic Monkeys new album. It reminds me so much of David Bowie and "Space Oddity."  

Feeling Thankful: For time spent listening to records and doing homework by candlelight. I'm starting to realize that even though I spend most of my free time doing schoolwork I can still find ways to make it a little more enjoyable.

Thinking about: Crisp Fall days that involve Pumpkin Spice lattes and a trip to my favorite bookstore. Hopefully I can fit in a day like this sometime soon!

Eating: A little bit of everything. I have been eating more eggs and salmon lately. I'm trying to think up some more creative healthy lunch/dinner ideas. It's easy to get tired of sticking to the same old thing and I'm ready to change it up.

Watching: A whole lot of stuff! The few hours that I have free during the day are usually late at night and so I have really been taking advantage of Netflix. Lately, I have been loving "Bored to Death" with Jason Schwartzman (he's one of my favorites!). I've also started watching "Sleepy Hollow" and "Nashville" with my sister.

Bummed Out on: Just thinking about how fast this year has gone by. It makes me realize how I really need to cherish each and every day. Before we know it it will be 2014. Ahh!

Loving: The fact that Domino magazine is back! I've ordered my copy and can't wait to get my hands on it. 


  1. 1. I'm so excited that you're watching, 'Nashville.' 2. I can hardly wait to order, 'Domino,' too! Thank heavens it's back :)

  2. I know isn't it disappointing when you expect a book to be good and it sucks. I read Gone Girl and...wait for it...I HATED it! I also figured out the big plot twist. The book was stupid and contrived. Oh yeah soooo looking forward to crisp fall days. We started to have them here.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  3. Mmmmm, yes for pumpkin spice lattes! I want one soon. Also, someone recommended Matched to me recently and I've been meaning to check it out!


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