

Little Moments...

More and more lately I am starting to love those little moments of time during the day that I am creating for myself. It might just be the time I spend drinking my coffee in the morning or an hour of watching tv in bed at night, but let me tell you, I love that time. I have been starting to hate that fact that because my schedule is so busy I have to pencil in time for God. He should be the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep but lately I just wake up and get straight into my routine and then I fall right asleep at night. So it's those moments of peace, those few quiet minutes when I can focus on God and myself, that I have been coming to love lately- that time when I can clear my head and just remind myself of what is really important in life.

Do you make time for yourself during the day? What are your favorite things to do to relax?

Peace and Love, 


  1. It might sound strange, but I think the meaning of life is to constantly be working on staying tethered or aware of God's presence in all of our daily activities, thoughts, feelings, emotions, reactions, chores, routines, and so on....It's something that we are constantly be striving to achieve....but, day by get one step closer.

    1. I think that that is a really great way of looking at things, Ruth. No matter what we are doing, even if it is the littlest things, we should strive to be focused on Him.

  2. Great post, Em! I know it's tough when you feel so busy & consumed with the everyday routine of life that you (myself included) forget to thank the One who made you. That's why I thank God for what I have and I thank Him for helping to remember something on my shopping list or to find my car keys. I think it's better to say a quick thank-you for the little things and pray to time in your day/schedule to read the Bible, do a Bible study or mediate in prayer. We all struggle with very issue and we just have to ask God for guidance to make Him a priority! <3 Dawn

    1. Great point, D. I think that thanking Him for everything is so important, even when it is just the little things.

  3. This is a simply beautiful post. It has really stopped me in my tracks. I thought I would have something eloquent to say, but I don't Thank you for sharing.


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