

Concerning Bucket Lists...

I have never been a fan of the phrase "kicking the bucket". Something about it just always seemed too morbid to me. Because of that I was never really a fan of "bucket lists". But recently I got to thinking: This life that we are given is a pretty incredible thing. Sure, it has it's rough spots, but with that comes growth and renewal. It's up to us to take life and grab it and make the most of it while we can. There are so many cool opportunities and places to travel and things to try that I don't want to miss out on. Because of that I decided to make a "Before I Die" list. It's small so far but I think some of the things on it are pretty epic- to me anyway. So far the list includes seeing James Taylor perform live, drinking coffee in Portland, and dying my hair pink. From the big things to the little it's fun to write out all the possibilities and to be determined that I will accomplish them. I want to make the most of this life that God has given me and I intend to do so. 

Do you have a list of things that you would like to do in life? I would love to hear all about them! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. i'm an avid list maker, so of course i have one of these lists too! :) my husband and i are trying to be intentional and really start doing them - we've already been planning a road trip to take either this summer or next!

    1. That's so fun! I feel like making plans like that is such a fantastic thing for couples to do together. I've just starting making lists, lots of them, and I am loving it!

  2. I love this! And I so totally agree. It's worthwhile to be intentional about making the most of the time God's given you.

    Also, because I love reading your blog- I nominated your for the Sunshine Award! Check it out:

    xx- Lynn-Holly from The Attic

    1. You are absolutely too sweet and the feelings are mutual! Thank you so much!

  3. I definitely have a long list of things that I want to do and see. But I love yours because I feel like they are simple, fun and things that can actually be accomplished! You should definitely put having coffee at the very first Starbucks in Seattle on your list ;)
    xo TJ

  4. i could not agree with you more. cheers to living life to the fullest!

    p.s. dying your hair pink? epic.

  5. My list of bands to see it getting ever longer, I think that is the hardest part of the bucket list.

  6. I make life lists all the time- and its fun to read back on them years later.

  7. so awesome. i love the pink hair idea! dooooo itttttt. let's see. what would be on my list? attempt to surf, get a tattoo, be a part of a flash mob dance, go deep sea fishing. this is a good idea! you might be seeing a similar post on my blog soon. i will absolutely give you credit. :-)


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