

February In Retrospect...

February was a slow month for me here on the blog. Life and school and things just got in the way and I let my posts slip by the wayside. However, there were some good things to remember about February: 

1. First, there was Valentine's Day.  

2. I played a fun game of tag with a few blogger friends.  

3. We got to talking about things I want to do before I die

4. And... I was nominated for a Sunshine Award! (more about this on Monday!)  

I am making a point to get back into creative mode and to do a lot more blogging in the month of March. Here's to another great month ahead! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. Congrats on you nomination for a Sunshine Award, Em....that's great news. I read a little about what's it about, sounds like great exposure in the blogger world and maybe even beyond! I'm so proud of you, too! D.

  2. February got in the way of blogging for me too... here's to march!

  3. Congratulations Em! And, Cheers to March! Let's make it a great one!!!!


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