

March In Retrospect...

Even though I said it wouldn't be, March was another slow month for me here on the blog. Seeing how few posts I did makes me really determined to step things up in the following months! All of that being said here are a few things that happened this month: 

1. I talked about the Sunshine Award and nominated some of my favorite bloggers. 

2. I talked about how important the little things in life are. 

3. Spring break seemed like a bust at times but I had a wonderful day out shopping with my mom. 

4. I became obsessed with True Detective and binge watched it in one week.  

I'm excited for April! Good things are coming and I can't wait to share them with you :) 

Peace and Love, 


  1. Sounds like a well spent march... wishing you all the best for april, make it an even awesome-er month

  2. Girl, everyone gets a free pass during the month of March - it's super lame ;) Sounds like there were some lovely perks, though! I'm looking forward to a beautiful, beautiful April on this lovely blog :)

    1. Aw, thanks Meghan! I agree, March can be such a bummer.

  3. I feel like March is slow since we're all waiting just waiting for spring. Thank goodness for April and a new season!

    1. SO true! I am so looking forward to warmer weather, flowers, and sundresses. I am more than ready for April and spring!

  4. There is nothing more beautiful than a record playing on a record player

  5. love the colors in these pictures!

  6. not gonna lie, my ears perked up when i read "binge watched." i'm always looking for new shows to binge on. haha :P


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