

The Little Things...

Sometimes I wonder if I am too materialistic. I always get so excited about new purchases and I can spend hours "window" shopping online. But then I also think, "What girl doesn't love shopping?" And it's not like I spend excessive amounts of money on things. All of that to say that I am working on spending less time on things and more on my spiritual well-being. But still, you can't deny that feeling you get when you come home with a brand new nail polish or a new book. Currently I have three little things that are putting a smile on my face. The first is my Essie nail polish in Beyond Cozy. I am a huge fan of gold nail polishes and this is my favorite one that I have tried! It has just the right amount of shimmer and it always makes me smile when I look down at my hands during the day. Second is my MAC perfume in Turquatic. This is a beautiful, fresh scent that is just lovely for Spring and Summer. I got this as a gift last year and have been obsessed ever since! Finally, there is nothing better than getting a new book! I had been hearing such great things about Crash the Chatterbox that I couldn't hold off buying it. It sounds like it will be perfect for some of the things that I am struggling with right now and I can't wait to start reading it.

That's it for today, lovelies! I hope your week is going well and that you are finding the little things within it that are making you happy!

Peace and Love,


  1. i am the same way as you. little things like nail polish always make my day! (especially when it's gold nail polish!)

    i've heard really great things about pastor furtick. in fact, i just downloaded his church's app to listen to his sermons! really excited about that. that book sounds really good too!

  2. i know what you mean about liking things but not wanting to like them so much. i think it`s something a lot of people struggle with. Essie, comes up with the greatest shades of polish, that glittery gold is no exception.

    and yes, paying attention to the little things (like my daughter`s smile) is making me happy :)

  3. I, too, feel like I love THINGS too much at times but I think that it's OK as long as I also like to work out, eat healthy, and read books that inspire me to be better. It's all a balance I guess. Thanks for sharing:)

    Megan @ Siren Jane

  4. Yes like spend things money on things that make you happy like awesome glitz and glam gold nail polish that make you so happy by just looking at them. I think its totally worth it.

  5. material possessions certainly aren't everything, but it's hard not to feel a little thrill when i buy a special something. i don't have wads of cash just lying around so my purchases are usually small, but sometimes the best things truly come in small packages-like new nail polish! i am always on the hunt for fresh, light scented perfume. i want to test this one out! new books are great. i'm currently reading a book called girl meets God, and it's really great so far. are you on goodreads?


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