

Here and Now...

I am so happy that Spring is in full swing. The blossoms are out, the sun is shining, and it's warm- I am in my happy place. In other news, I have eaten entirely too much chocolate this past week ( I will blame it on Easter ) and it's showing in my complexion. I've also kinda hit my breaking point in the school year. In just a few weeks I will be getting my AA and all motivation to study or do homework has gone out the window. I'd much rather spend my days listening to my favorite vinyl, reading outside, or browsing at beach houses on the web ( a girl can dream, can't she?!). 

Peace and Love, 


  1. Haha, I was just browsing houses yesterday afternoon ;) Sometimes dreaming is simply necessary.

  2. this is the worst time of year for finding motivation to finish school. the semester should end when the weather is this my opinion. :)

    1. Ha ha, I completely agree! Just a few more weeks and I will be free!!

  3. one of my favorite things to do when i have nothing else to do is look up villas in the caribbean.... it's fun to dream :)

    1. Ooo, I love that! It's so fun to look at those sorts of things and just let your imagination run wild!

  4. the timing of the end of the school year and the beginning of spring is terrible! all i ever wanted to do was ditch my books and go play outside. i know you can make it a few more weeks, girl! but also make sure you grab an iced coffee and a good book and head outside for a break or two from time to time. :-)


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