

Think Pink...


You might remember that it's on my list of things to do before I die to dye my hair pink. Lately, I have been stumbling upon some pretty rad dye jobs. There's also a girl in one of my college courses who has bright pink hair and I kind of love it! I don't see myself doing this any time soon but one day, when the time is right, I promise you it will happen. In the meantime I'll just gather up as much inspiration as possible :)

Peace and Love, 

*all photos can be found on Pinterest*


  1. proof that pink is the very best color in all of the land. i can't wait to see what you finally decide on. :-)

  2. I'm excited for the day this becomes a reality - you'll have to do a fun photoshoot to document it :) One of the things that happens only rarely, but how very fun and amazing it'll be

    1. Thanks, Meg! A photoshoot would be such a fun thing to do!

  3. Omg YES I love love love pink hair but I'm afraid I'd never be brave enough to do it haha. These all look gorgeous though!

    Marla @ A Weekend Crossing

  4. I've never died my hair, but dream about it sometimes!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My sister thinks that I will cop out at the end but I am determined to do this one day! It's hard for me to picture myself with pink hair but I know that it's definitely something that I want to do :)

  7. gaaaah! i looove this! i want to do it so badly! unfortunately, my job won't allow it. :( you could totally rock this though!


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