

Anyone There?...

So sorry for my silence on the blog lately. Between work, finals, and a migraine that lasted 12 days I just haven't felt up to much of anything lately. I'm in the final stretch for this last semester and once this week is over I will definitely be back and better at blogging. If you're still out there and still reading, thanks for sticking with me. I should be back at the end of the week with a brand new post (possibly a playlist)! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. we are here, girl! waiting patiently. :-) at least you have a good excuse when you go MIA for a while. mine is always just business or more likely laziness. haha. keep working hard! i don't know how people juggle so many things at once. i am way impressed. take your time and don't stress about us bloggies. we will be here when you get back with bells on our toes. looking forward to this playlist though! hope the semester ends well! (reward yourself with lush products and a good latte).

    1. Ha ha, thanks girl! I do need to make a lush run and coffee is always a good idea <3

  2. 12 days?! uuugh. that sounds miserable! glad you are feeling better though.


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