

What's In My Bag...

I love when girls share what they carry in their bags. Personally, my purse is usually a mess and filled with little odds and ends that I don't need but since I'm out of school I decided to clean out my bag leave only the necessities. I thought that I would share a few things that I always keep in my bag: 

First, I have the usual car keys, phone, and hand sanitizer (I won't go anywhere without my hand sanitizer these days. I always make sure that I have one in my bag lol). I also always try to bring a book with me whenever I go out. You never know when you're going to have time to kill and it's nice to have one tucked in your bag. Then I have my chapstick and whatever lip product I'm wearing that day (these days it's the NYX lip butters. Have you tried these? They are awesome!!). I also have a pack of my favorite gum and my lavender wallet that I am just in love with. Some other little things that I like to throw in my bag include a notebook or journal to write down ideas whenever creativity strikes, glasses/sunglasses, and a pair of headphones. 

What kinds of things do you like to keep in your bag?! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. I love your phone case!
    I pretty much carry my keys, phone, chapstick, my wallet, a pen or two, sunglasses/glasses, hair ties and clips. And I always have my water bottle

    1. Ooo, water is always a great thing to have. I tend to throw a bottle in my bag but then forget to drink it and it gets too hot. And I always forget hair ties and then always end up needing them lol!

  2. yet another great, fun post idea! your purse is baller. (is it by chance a madewell tote?) i am with you on the hand sanitizer. that's something i have only recently started carrying, and i don't know why it took me so dang long. the world is a gross, germy place! i ALWAYS have chapstick with me. like as any places as i can carry it. i have one on my nightstand, in my bathroom, in my purse, on my desk at work, etc. chapped lips are the worst. #notanexaggeration one thing i always carry with me are band aids, and you wouldn't believe how often i need them for myself or a friend. who would have guessed?

    1. Ha ha, thank you! The bag is actually from Free People but Madewell does have some fabulous totes. Band aids are a great thing to have! I always buy little packs for when I'm travelling but I forget to throw them in my purse. But you're right- you never know when you are going to need one!

  3. Love your phone case, I just love what's in my bag posts so much! I don't carry much: sunscreen, the lightest makeup bag, wallet, and a phone, that's all I carry!

    1. Oh, thank you! Sunscreen is definitely something that I need to start carrying! It sounds like you have all the essentials. I hate when my purse is filled with a bunch of junky things that I don't need.

  4. I love the bag! so cute!



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