


Reading: I just started the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver and I am loving it! It's a dystopian novel and not something that I would normally read but I had heard so many good things about it that I decided to try it. I'm glad I did!! I've been reading it before I go to bed at night and it's just so good.

Listening to: I just discovered Kodaline the other day and I think I am in love. They only have an EP and a few singles out but everything they've done is magic! I like listening to them when I'm getting ready in the morning because they have a fun mellow sound. Plus, they have great lyrics.

Feeling Thankful: For the friendships that I have. And for all of the sweet comments that get posted on the blog. You don't know how much they mean to me <3 nbsp="" p="">
Thinking About: New England. The picture above was taken a few summers ago when I took a trip there with some friends. We spent time in Connecticut, Boston, and Newport. I'm missing those beautiful places right now. They are the perfect places to visit in the summer. A summer in Maine sounds just lovely, doesn't it?!

Eating: I know that I mentioned that I was bummed that Chick-fil-a changed their menu but they have a delicious salad that I am hooked on. It's not like I eat there all the time or anything but when I do go there I have been getting the Market salad. It has chicken, blueberries, strawberries, apples, bleu cheese, and an apple cider dressing. It is just so yummy!

Watching: Wilfred. I have been a fan of Elijah Wood for a very long time and I love him on this show. Before I started watching it I thought that it looked like a really weird show but I started with season one and I have been hooked ever since. It's funny & a little weird but I still watch it every Thursday.

Bummed Out On: It was so said to hear about Cory Monteith over the weekend. I loved the first season of Glee and then didn't really watch much after that. Finn was always a favorite of mine though. So sad for someone so talented to pass away so young.

Loving: I rearranged my room over the weekend and I adore how it looks. I was ready for a change and I have SO much more room now! Also, loving the fact that my sister and I and our friends are going to see Jimmy Fallon in Aug. I cannot wait!

Peace and Love,


  1. Would love to see pictures of your room! D


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