

Tennessee in IPhone Photos...


I'm back! I had the most fab time on my trip and I'm missing it all already! Sorry for being M.I.A. for the past week but I was just so busy having fun and I didn't have any of the time to blog that I thought I would. Oh well, that's why it's called "vacation," right?! I wanted to post some of the photos that I captured with my phone in the last week. If you follow me on instagram you have probably seen most of these, but still, they are some great memories from my trip! 

I hope everyone has a fantastic July 4th complete with bbq and sparklers!

P.s. Also, don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' now that Google Reader is finished!

Peace and Love, 


  1. Wow, look at all that vinyl, did you find any gems?

    1. I was so tempted by a couple of James Taylor and a few Coldplay records but I walked away empty handed :( They had a ton of great Fleetwood Mac too!


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