

Heavier Things...

It's that time again for me to get a little sappy here on the blog. Maybe not sappy, but emotional.  

Let me start off by saying that the point of this post is not to whine about all my little problems and beg for attention or sympathy. It's merely meant to put my feelings out there and express where I'm at right now. I know that compared to many my struggles are quite small. Your support means the world to me and I simply feel like there are things that I need to get off of my chest. 

Lots of little challenges have been coming my way lately. Things that will seem stupid and trivial one day are pushing heavy on my heart at the moment. Right now I find myself going through a time of transition that I did not anticipate. And although I may not be happy with the way things are right now I know that God has a plan for my life and that everything happens for a reason; everything He does is for a purpose. While I may find myself constantly criticizing my appearance or obsessing over questions like Will I be single forever? and Where will I be in 5 years? I am also trying to look at this as an exciting time in my life. I'm tired of just stewing in negative thoughts and stressing about things that are ultimately out of my control. I need to keep reassuring myself that I am right where God wants me right now. It may not be the most exciting of times but this chapter in my life will lead to something else. I need to focus on growing in myself and becoming the woman that I want to be rather than comparing myself to others and speaking negatively to myself. I know these are things that every girl goes through and I am happy that I can look to other women as sources of inspiration at this time. Some seasons of our lives just seem awful, but I know that this season will lead to another and that all things are working towards His plan. 

I think that's about it. I just needed to put all of that out there. If you actually read all of this post, thanks for bearing with me. I will be back with something happier tomorrow. 

Peace and Love, 


  1. I did indeed read all of this post...and you my friend...are getting an e-mail from me. Basically, because I don't want to type everything I have to say in a comment box! ;)

    1. Thank you so much for your email, Ruth! I just wrote you back :)

  2. Em ~ The questions that you are asking of yourself are the same questions(in some form or another)that EVERYONE has asked of themselves! You are, by no way, alone in that. Asking questions helps you to grow & learn about yourself, what you want for yourself but you can't obsess about them by waiting for an answer because it's in GOD's timing, not yours. That one was a hard one for me to learn but once I did everything changed for me, everything feel into place so to speak. Talk with GOD, tell Him your thoughts, worries, concerns he will provide an answer. Let It Be....there will be an answer! Those words could never be truer. If the answer is not what you wanted or anticipated then it's another one of GOD's tests as to how you handle it. Another hard lesson for me as well, and I'm still learning. And when you pray/talk/mediate with GOD, be still and be quiet, turn off all the outside noise whether it is self-inflicted or by others. And then listen. Listen you that inner voice, GOD's vioce. You are not perfect, no one is but you are perfect/special/wonderful in my eyes but especially in the eyes of GOD. You are a child of GOD. Never forget that! And know that you LOVED by many, including me. I LOVE you. In Christ ~ D.

    1. Thank you so much, D. Your words are so encouraging and I love what you say about meditating on Him and His word. I just need to give it all to God and let Him be in control of everything, knowing that it will all work towards the plan that He has for me. Let it be- once again, Paul knows what he is talking about. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Love you!

  3. I don't think those things are trivial at all! We all struggle with those types of questions, but you're right--God is truly there for you and has your best interest in mind. Thinking about the future can be an overwhelming thing sometimes especially. There are so many what-ifs.....but please know that you are not alone. Everything really will work out for His plan :) Keep holding His hand girl!

    1. Kristyn, thank you so much for your encouraging words. I feel such a sense of comfort in hearing that other people have been in the exact same place that I am. I really appreciate your support!

  4. you are not alone girlfriend! the single most important thing in this lifetime is to love yourself and do what feels GOOD TO YOU. this will bring you everything you need. you are wonderful. xoxoxo

    1. Thanks, Sadie! Your sweet words mean so much to me. Thanks for the encouragement!


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