

10 Things I LOVE...

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10

1. Winter in the Woods.  2. Coffee for two.  3. I know that I posted this one already but I loved Elsie's December Daily scrapbook. I want to do more crafty things like this in 2014.  4. Time spent in devotion.  5. Back braids.  6. "The Fault in Our Stars." This book blew me away.  7. Tiny tree tattoo.  8. It's true.  9. A simple place to create & work.  10. Pretty drawn deer. 

Peace and Love,


  1. Oh my heavens! You redid your site! It's gorgeous and lovely and wonderful! I'm absolutely in love with these photographs and your blog, darling! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Meghan! You are an absolute doll and I truly appreciate you following my blog!

  2. I'm writing a blog post on happiness right now and stumbled upon your blog in a random google search. I was intrigued, so I checked your recent posts and saw this! I feel like it's total kismet. Your blog is awesome :)

  3. lovin' the clean/minimalist look on your blog! looks great! :)

    p.s. elsie's book is SO killer. i want to start one so bad, but i know i'll never actually finish it!

    1. Thanks, Julia! Yeah, I think that would be my problem, too. I think I would be super into it for a few weeks and then just end up stopping somewhere along the way.

  4. The scrapbook is just mad (in a good way)!!! P.s. I love your new layout


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