

Thoughts & Goals For 2014...

I normally don't make New Year's resolutions, in fact, I typically find New Year's to be a depressing holiday. I'm not sure why...the day just makes me sad. However, this time around I tried to look at the new year with optimism and excitement. I found myself jotting down goals and ideas for what I wanted to do in 2014. There are potential major changes that could take place for me this year and I really want to work on improving myself as an individual during that process. I want to become more dedicated to my art, to blogging, writing, photography, etc. I want to live each day to the fullest (not to sound cheesy) and I want to be healthy. I want to push myself to do things that will make me happy and I am going to remind myself that nothing is impossible. 

It's going to take a lot of effort to accomplish all of these goals but I am open to the challenge. You may have noticed that the layout of the blog has changed which was step one in my plan to improve my blogging. The design still needs tweaking but it will get there soon enough. I have been in bed with a killer migraine for the majority of the past week which has put some of my plans on hold (yeah, the whole staying healthy goal hasn't really kicked off to a great start). 

Anyway, I'm excited for a new year and a fresh start. I can't wait to share 2014 with all of you! 

Peace and Love, 


  1. I think these are really great, achievable goals! One thing I try to remind myself on a regular basis; plans change + evolve. I can plan all I want..but, some days...I might have a mundane task planned, like editing photos...But, suddenly...I might feel creative. I have to let myself adapt to that creative energy.

    And I love the new layout of the blog! I really like blogs w/ the sidebar on the right. I find that I read the text more often than when the side bar is on the left. Must be a distraction/read left to right thing! Can't wait to see what you have in store for this new year!

    1. I completely agree, Ruth! You definitely need to leave room for flexibility and creativity in there somewhere. And I'm glad you like the layout! I'm starting to love it. There are still a few changes I need to make to it but it's on its way.

  2. Lately I've found it hard to instagram once a week! I hope you reach your goal of every day! I think that in itself is a great way to better your yay for killing two birds with one stone! :)

    1. Ha ha in the past I have been the worst instagramer of all time. So far I have posted something everyday this year but who knows how long that will last. And yes, I am definitely hoping to use it to work on my photography skills!

  3. Love the new lay out and the resolutions are great especially the let in adventures.. because you know by just saying it .. its bound to happen. :)

    1. Thank you, Erika! That is so kind of you to say :)

  4. Great little goals for you to accomplish throughout the year. I definitely want to be better at blogging consistently :)
    xo TJ

    1. Thank you! Good luck to you in accomplishing your goals this year!

  5. and I look forward to see all these things come true!!
    I really hope there'll be lesser migraines this year, but we can't really control that :(

  6. i recently gave my blog a facelift and it did wonders for my enthusiasm regarding posting! it's a space i'm excited to visit again. and i feel the same way about new years. it makes me sad and stressed and anxious. geez! haha. glad we're eight days in.

  7. Love your new year's resolutions! Should do exactly the same, especially try to blog 4 days a week! Fingers crossed on reaching your goals, xo


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