

Meal Planning...

Let's be honest: I rarely cook. However, with the possibility of me moving out on my own this year, I thought it would be a good idea to start cooking more often for my family. I've been going through some of my favorite Martha Stewart magazines and my lovely new Kinfolk Table book and putting together a list of some meals that I would love to make. I've also been loving Lauren's Sunday Soup posts and James' Weekly Bread posts! I'm excited to explore cooking and build up my skills. 

I'm also open to any recipe recommendations you might have! Was there a recipe that you loved to make when you first moved out on your own or that you love to make now? 

Peace and Love, 


  1. Cooking can be so intimidating. I always helped my mom cook growing up, but I still had a little panic attack when I got married and realized I was going to be cooking a loooot more.

    I have a couple recipes I can email you! Easy but delicious. Fried rice, pot pie, soup...I'll email them to you when I get a break at work! :)

    1. That would be wonderful! That's so sweet of you. Thanks, Julia!

  2. Oooo how exciting! I LOVE to cook! I think it's a good idea to gets some practice in. The first time I lived on my own, my staple meals were: pasta (obviously), chicken shish kebab's, and potatoes and eggs!

    1. Ha ha, great suggestions, Ruth! Pasta is always a great go-to!

  3. Yay! I'm so excited for you! I just started cooking more too. And it is definitely a work in progress. Ha. Let me know how you like Kinfolk! I just bought It's All Good by G. Paltrow and I can't wait to try it out. I'll let you know if I'm successful...

    xx- Lynn-Holly from The Attic

    1. I love Gwenyth and her cooking! You will definitely have to let me know how you do with her recipes!!

  4. pinterest has been huge for me! i love how so many recipes i enjoy are all stored together in one place. oh, and i need the kinfolk table's definitely on my list!

    1. I've been loving looking on pinterest! And yes, this book is awesome!

  5. Exciting! I'm not much of a cook, although I hope to be one day. But I love turning to blogs and Pinterest to find delicious recipes!

    1. Same here! I love looking at the pictures and recipes but it's always hard for me to get motivated to actually make them. I'm hoping that changes :)

  6. Cooking? I'm not to be trusted around kitchen!

  7. It's taken me several years to really truly feel comfortable in the kitchen but now I love cooking! Smitten Kitchen is a wonderful resource for recipes, she never lets me down.

    One of the recipes I've been making for years (which is a big deal because I don't really like repeating recipes) is this one: It's so easy and SO GOOD!

  8. I love Kinfolk Magazine:) I greet:)

  9. i am slowly building my recipe file. so far i have A LOT of desserts…hmmm might need to even that out a bit. crockpot recipes are a great, easy, cheap and delicious way to go. i have a really yummy white chicken chili recipe that you can find on my blog. document your progress! i am always interested in new recipes. a food website i've recently found is budget bytes. check it out!

  10. seriously anything I want to make I search the martha stewart website. I have yet to try one of her recipes that didn't turn out. My grandma got me an old school Betty Crocker Cookbook and I've used it a lot for good baking recipes.


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